Anyone in Socal (Ventura) wanna help and make some money?


New Member
Mar 26, 2008
Basically I need to get my Haltech up and running sooner than later. I'd rather have a guy that knows his way around a supra engine before I start messing with it. I have one potential (former sponsored drifter and wiring guy from RMJ Motorsports), but I know his schedule is pretty crazy. If anyone can help I'd be more than willing to give you cash and take you out for drinks.

Now for what the install actually is...

Haltech E6X + long flying lead harness, 3 bar map sensor, bcs, and a sensor pack...Into a 1jzgte Volvo 740 wagon.

If you can help just hit me up with a PM or reply to the thread. I may just end up doing it since it really can't be that hard (I've built engines and done a lot of other stuff for Volvos), but I'd rather have experienced people here with me.